


Nascente Viva (Living Source) is a project located at the indigeneous reserve Jaguapirú-Bororó in Dourados-MS, the biggest urban reserve in Latin America. The aim is the restoration of the source of the Jaguapirú River. The bed will be redone and the vegetation of the margins reconstituted, in a pilot area, initially of 2.8 hectares, where we will plant 7000 trees. The project was initiated by AMID, a women’s organization in the reserve, and is managed by APOMS, Tarahumara Fans and the UFGD University. Project information or in pdf here
Diverso is a social project aimed at giving refugees a possibility of integration, inviting them to participate with us in our races. We work in cooperation with the temporary accommodation in Frankfurt-Nied.
Running barefoot or wearing minimalist shoes increases the body’s awareness of the environment and natural movements. Also, less material is used, which means less waste is produced.
Of course, you can also run in minimalist sandals or sneakers or put your shoes back on after a while. Especially in the beginning, the soles of the feet are still very sensitive.
The focus is on learning to run barefoot together slowly. We ran 2 to 4 laps (1 lap of 1.8 km), each person the way it feels better. But you can also run in your pace. It’s not a workout, but a natural-style running encounter.